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"Journey" (旅路 Tabiji) is the sixth episode of Overlord anime adaptation. It was first broadcasted on August 11, 2015.


In the journey, Momon, Nabe, Nfirea, and the Swords of Darkness travel to Carne Village, the party is attacked by a large group of goblins and ogres. A battle plan is made quickly while the Swords of Darkness pick off the goblins, Ainz and Nabe would eliminate the ogres. As the fight proceeds, the adventurer group quickly realizes that their companions are no ordinary adventurers.

After that, the party set up camp to take a break for their journey. They talked about the Swords of Darkness group's origin and symbol. Momon starts to talk about his guildmates then Ninya says something sensitive to Momon which causes him to get emotional. After Momon and Nabe left, Swords of Darkness conclude that Momon's comrades are probably gone. Nfirea changes the subject to talk about Momon's strength and Peter guess that Momon is maybe the same level as an adamantite adventurer, and group talk through the night. Meanwhile, at E-Rantel, Khajiit creates more undead minion to prepare to take over the city while Clementine waits for Nfirea to return.

Major Events[]

Character Appearance[]

In Order of Appearance[]

New Characters[]

Abilities Used[]

Known Abilities[]

Tier Spells

  • Alarm (Mentioned Only)
  • Twine Plant
  • Magic Arrow
  • Lightning
  • Light Healing
  • Reinforce Armor

Martial Arts

  • Martial Arts Fortress


Known Locations[]

New Locations[]

  • No new locations were introduced during this episode.

Anime Notes[]


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